I am the single friend of my group, the "Auntie" to many, the spoiler of ALL.  I have been told my whole life, wait till you are an Auntie for REALS!! I thought okay.. we will see, Im pretty sure I have this thing down though. Then Christmas 2015 came and I found out I WAS GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE!!! My brother and Sister in law were having a BOY and we would meet him sometime summer 2016.  

June 28, 2016 changed my life forever.  Wyatt James Smith entered the world at 9:04am, making me an official Auntie.  Going back to what people always told me.. they said, you cant even begin to express how you feel, well they hit the head of the nail on that one!  My love for this little boy is so unconditional, its scary! I can't wait for muddy boots, nerf wars, frog chasing, fish guttin and just plain old laughing and creating lasting memories with this kid.  

Well... about a week after he was born we did a little newborn session.  I don't do many because if you have ever done one.. well its a lot of work! lol.  Hands down one of the hardest photoshoots to master.  I commend and respect all newborn photographers!! But I can squeeze by and get some fun shots, it doesn't hurt that the subject did pretty much all the work for me :) Today he is 2 months.. Where has time gone? In this short time he has changed so much.  He wants to stand up all the time, he is cooing, smiling and in the beginning stages of laughing.. my favorite!! 

Here are just a few of my favorites from this little session! Don't worry, if you follow along, you will be able to watch this little boy grow, as I feel a special privilege to photograph him over the years!! 

Wyatt James, Auntie loves you more than you will ever understand, thank you for coming into our lives and making me an Auntie!! 

The hat on the left was my first cowboy hat from about 15 years ago.

The hat on the left was my first cowboy hat from about 15 years ago.

Snapped a few pictures of his adorable nursery before "real life" began.  The two images on the right: Gun rack was from my dad's bedroom growing up and the little suit my dad wore around 1yrs old along with my brother.  Wyatt will follow …

Snapped a few pictures of his adorable nursery before "real life" began.  The two images on the right: Gun rack was from my dad's bedroom growing up and the little suit my dad wore around 1yrs old along with my brother.  Wyatt will follow and so on.